
Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Twinsie Tuesday: Inspired by a Family Member

Hi everyone, welcome to Tuesday.  I finally got my butt back in they gym yesterday after about two months.  I took it easy because I hurt my neck on Friday when I fell on some ice, but it felt good to be back at it again.  I'm planning on going again tonight, I just need to keep a positive attitude through the day.  Not much else is really going on here.  Work is really busy right now, my birthday is coming up, and that's about it.  What a thrilling life I lead :)  Honestly, I just want winter to be over.  

Today's Twinsie Tuesday theme was "inspired by a family member".  I had a different mani saved for this prompt (a Hawkeyes themed mani) but I ended up creating something different.  I went with my sister Andie as my family member for this theme. 

For these nails, I started with a teal gradient because teal is her favorite color.  For those nails, I started with a base of Essie In the Cab-ana and sponged on China Glaze Sunday Funday and Sally Hansen Black and Blue for the gradient.  For my accent nail, I wanted to represent nursing.  My sister graduated college last month with her nursing degree from the University of Iowa.  They have a ridiculously hard program there, which they cut short by a semester to finish in 3.5 years, and she worked her butt off during school. 

Hopefully these nails did her justice, she's one of the hardest working people that I know!  She's got a bad case of the stomach flu so let's all send good thoughts her way!

Don't forget to check out the other Twinsie manis here:

Alaina at The Little Canvas
Amanda at Amandalandish

Chelsea at Nailed Blog
Elizabeth at Did My Nails

Kelly at Tuxarina
Lakeisha at Refined and Polished
Marisa at Polish Obsession
Rachel at Top Coat It
Róisín at Cuti-CLUE-les
Stephanie at A Little Polish

Traci at DrinkCitra


  1. Really love the blue/red contrast--these are awesome! Congratulations to your sister, and I hope your neck feels better!

  2. This is so cute!! Congratulations to your sister! Nurses are are such special people.

  3. Really cool mani and interpretation of your sister! :-)


  4. What a great mani and what a lovely inspiration! I do hope your sister feels better soon :)
    And I know what you mean about wanting winter to be over... I don't want to wear my winter coat anymore lol But we have to be tough :) I went back to exercising too and it feels good to be doing it again (although at the time I am not happy and swear at the lady from my DVD, but let's hope it's worth the effort).

  5. So pretty! And I'm glad you're feeling better!

  6. I fell on some ice on Friday too. It was awful. I hope you're feeling better. Congrats to your sister and well wishes to her! Love your gradient!

  7. So sweet! What an awesome way to show how proud you are of her!

  8. The gradient looks amazing Erin!

  9. Congrats to your sister!!! such an awesome manicure for her!

  10. Awww... hope your sister gets better soon. Good for her completing such a difficult program. I would be very proud too. I love the mani you came up with!

  11. Yay for gym time :D Aw this is such a great mani for your sister! :D

  12. These are great! Your gradients are really pretty!

  13. These are great!!!! I immediately thought nurse when I saw them. Good for your sister for all her hard work. I hope she's feeling better!!!
