
Saturday, October 12, 2013

Rainbow Honey Summer of 199X Part II

Hi everyone, happy Saturday :)  I am happy to be hanging out around the house this weekend catching up on my Netflix and nail blogging.  I am a homebody so a nice relaxing weekend at home sounds ideal to me :)  

Today I have a collection of five polishes that I won from a giveaway.  I've seen swatches of polishes from Rainbow Honey but today is my very first time trying them out.  Let's just say...I was really impressed!  Summer of 199X Part II consists of three shimmery creams and two glitter topcoats.  These polishes are extremely interchangeable with one another.  

Apple Kid

Apple Kid is a shimmery rosy fuchsia cream.  Application was great, I used two coats for the photos below.  This color is so bright and pretty.  I loved the shimmer in all of the creams.


Tessie is a shimmery periwinkle cream.  I thought this was another fantastic color and it applied perfectly.  Two coats with no topcoat below.

Mint Flavor

A shimmery mint color....yes please!  I love mint polishes and this is nothing like anything I own.  The mint color is so bright and vibrant and I love the addition of the shimmer.  Another easy application, two coats without topcoat.

Magic Cake

First of all, I love the name of this polish :)  Magic Cake is a glitter topper with neon glitter in pink, blue, and green.  I used one easy coat over Tessie. 

I Miss You

I Miss You is a combination of pastel glitters including butterflies and hearts.  I had no problems with this polish, including getting the big glitters out.  They came out of the bottle normally with no digging involved.  I used one coat over Apple Kid.

Overall I was really pleased with my first encounter with Rainbow Honey.  I loved each and every one of the polishes and thought they were unique and stunning.  I especially love the versatility of all of the polishes.  Each of the glitters would pair perfectly with the creams and look great together.  What do you think of these polishes, let me know in comments :)


  1. Wow I love Mint Flavor, such a beautiful color!

  2. What a colorful and fun set! I absolutely love the periwinkle and mint on you. The colors are so pretty and vibrant. :)

    ~ Yun
