
Sunday, October 13, 2013

Candy Corn Striped Mani

Hi everyone, welcome to Sunday!  Another relaxing day for me today :)  This morning I woke up to a Snow White situation happening in the driveway.  A squirrel was on the roof, two bluejays were flying around doing some sort of mating dance and a cardinal (actually our house mascot which I named Lloyd) was attacking the side mirror of my car.  I guess we do technically live in the country :)  I would count yesterday as a pretty good day.  The hubby and I went with our friend to go see Gravity in theaters.  I feel like I'm sort of conflicted on how I liked the movie.  I thought it was visually stunning although the most stressful movie I've ever seen.  

Anyways, when we got home I figured I would relax with some Halloween themed manis and Breaking Bad on Netflix.  I just rewatched all of the first four seasons and am now getting into Season 5 which I haven't seen.  I did multiple Halloween designs yesterday and I'm quite proud of them.  Today I have the simplest of the designs....candy corn stripes.  

For this design I started off with a base of OPI My Boyfriend Scales Walls.  Next time I will use a pure white but I couldn't find one easily.  I used painter's tape and then did one coat of OPI My Paprika Is Hotter Than Yours! and then another layer of tape and finished off with China Glaze Happy Go Lucky.

I'm quite pleased with the finished result.  Would you sport candy corn nails?  :)


  1. These are so cute! A perfect tape mani :)

  2. yay for breaking bad and cute mani!

  3. I love this! You did a great job. I will probably never do candy corn manis because I hate candy corn! :P

  4. This looks great, simple and super effective! I'm going to try this myself :-)

  5. This looks awesome... I love how simple this is. I suck at nail art, but I think I may be able to manage this haha. :)
    Funny you should say that about Gravity. I thought it would stress me out, so I'm probably not going to see it. I have heard fantastic things about it though. :)

    ~ Yun

    1. Haha, you should see some of my earlier designs, they were so bad. Yea the movie was very good but it was stressful. I had to go home and relax afterwards.

  6. Cute and super festive!

  7. I can't believe you rewatched all four seasons! I don't think I can handle it emotionally!
    I will be sporting candy corn nails too next week! Hopefully I will get some candy corn too ;-) I was deprived of it as a child and now I cannot get enough of it!

    1. Haha, I think watching it a second time was good. I think I liked more characters the second time I watched. I'd love to see your candy corn nails!
