
Saturday, May 31, 2014

Fruit Week II-Cartoon Lemons

Hi everyone and welcome to Saturday.  I actually got up at seven this morning which is out of the norm for me.  We are headed to Soda Fest in about an hour and the hubby is super excited.  I plan on playing with polish when I get home and that is exciting for me :)  My husband is planning on staining my wall rack this weekend so I had to take down all my OPIs that were hanging up.  That led to me biting the bullet and counting my entire OPI collection.  If you follow me on Instagram, you'll know that I came up with 249 OPI polishes.  I always wanted to remain blissfully ignorant but I'm kind of glad I did it so now I can catalog them on Pinterest.  I won't be counting the rest of my collection anytime soon though ;)

Today I have another fruit mani.  I'm a little on the fence about this mani so you'll have to let me know what you think.  I went for a cartoonish, non-realistic version of lemons.  Let's check them out!

To create this look, I started with a base of Essie Where's My Chauffeur, which is a beautiful dusty turquoise that sat on my lemming list forever until I recently found a bottle.  I started with white circles in OPI Alpine Snow and a dotting tool.  I then took a small nail art brush and OPI I Just Can't Cope-acabana to create the body of the lemons.  For the inner parts of the cut lemons, I started with Essie Licorice to draw the lines and then went over them to tone them down with Barielle Banana Drop.

And look at that...we just happened to have a lemon....

There you have it, let me know what you think!  I also have a new video going up soon if you are interested in that.  It's a video of my favorite nail polishes from May.


  1. There cute! The black lines look a little thick to me but other than that, I like it a lot.

  2. Looks a little more like zucchini than lemon, but still cute :)
