
Saturday, November 9, 2013

Thor Vs. Loki Ruffian Mani

Hi everyone.  I hope your Saturday is going well!  Today I will be going to see Thor 2 in IMAX 3D so I thought it would be fun to create a superhero mani.  Admittedly I am on Team Loki when it comes to the looks department haha!  I just don't find blondes attractive, no matter how ripped they are!  Who do you think is cuter?

Tangent much?  :)  Today I stuck with a ruffian because it was nice and simple but showed off the characters colors.  For Thor I used OPI Haven't the Foggiest, Julep Cleopatra, and OPI First Date at the Golden Gate.  For Loki I used OPI Did It On Em, Zoya Noot, and OPI Uh-Oh Roll Down the Window.

I'll let you know what I think of the movie tomorrow!  So which are you?  Team Loki or Team Thor?


  1. Love it! I'm team Loki for sure, but it's tough to pick! I also don't usually go for blondes, but something about Thor.....<3 Loki's still better though :P

  2. This is awesome! =)
    And I'm in the minority here, I love me some Thor. haha

  3. Hehe this is so fun and totally awesome for seeing the movie! :D

    ~ Yun
