
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Fall Cupcake Nails

Hi everyone, happy Hump Day!  Yesterday was a much better day then Monday, I even managed to get my butt over to spin class.  I kind of dropped the ball on the whole working out thing, but I plan on using the spin class as my new starting off point.  I could come up with a million excuses but I was just stressed and exhausted from work and didn't have the motivation.  How do you keep up motivation in your life?

Today I have a design I was really proud of :)  I have some pjs that have cupcakes on them and I posted a picture on instagram (@paintthosepiggies) and asked if anyone had any nail art ideas.  Someone said to take inspiration from my cupcake pjs.  I hadn't even thought of that!  So that's what I did :)

I started with a base of Julep Winter, which came in my most recent Julep box.  It's a pretty, pale, cool grey.  I then took a bunch of fall colors and did the base of the cupcakes.  I used OPI My Vampire is Buff for the vanilla frosting, OPI First Date at the Golden Gate for the cherries, and repeats of base colors for the sprinkles.  If anyone is interested, here is a list of polishes I used:

OPI Haven't the Foggiest, China Glaze Desert Sun, OPI I Knead Sour-Dough, OPI San Tan-Tonio, OPI Can You Tapas This?, OPI In the Cable Car-pool Lane, and Essie Little Brown Dress.

Then I took it one step further and mattified it.  I think I prefer this one matte to glossy, which is quite unusual for me!  Which version do you like better?

Overall I was quite pleased with this mani!  It makes me want to do other seasonal cupcake designs.  I already have ideas for winter in my head :)  Have a great day everyone!


  1. Love it - they are soo pretty. Looks quite complicated doing it, but I'll definitely give it a go :o). Xx

  2. Ohh! These are adorable :) I made cupcake nails long time ago and feeling like making them again :)

  3. This is seriously so cute and delicious-looking, especially the matte version! Love it! :D

    ~ Yun
