
Thursday, September 5, 2013

31DC2013-Blue Nails

Hi everyone, it completely slipped my mind that this needed to be posted today :)  Ooops!  I also may or may not have had a complete meltdown while at work for the entire afternoon regarding stress, my life,  my job, and my weight.  And by may or may not....I mean that I totally did have a meltdown about everything and all at once.  My new plan is to try and not stress too much about work and get some new clothes (because I am wearing clothes from eight years ago) and finally once and for all accept the size that I am (size 12) and my weight (188 pounds).  I've had a hard enough time as it is dealing with my recent knowledge of my food allergies and trying to figure out what to eat and I've been putting too much emphasis on not losing any weight.  Basically at this point I just need to accept it (because no matter how hard I try, I end up settling back on this weight) and feed myself what I can eat and move on.  Now that that is done with, let me share my blue mani that I really love.  Sorry for venting by the way!  Imagine how my mom and husband feel after this afternoon via constant text and email messages...yikes!

Well, blue is my favorite polish color, so I was super excited about today.  I have so many blues that I asked my husband and he came up with the base color and the idea to do the diagonal stripes.  I started with a base of Essie Avenue Maintain.  Man do I love this blue.  I then took some painter's tape and taped off the middle and used Essie Butler Please near my cuticles and OPI Blue My Mind near the tips.  I finished off with a coat of Seche Vite after I smeared one finger while eating dinner last night.  I hope you enjoyed and please forgive me for all the personal stuff at the beginning :)


  1. This is Lovely design. And its ok we all have issues its good to vent out :-). Most important is to be a good human and of course taking care of yourself :-)

  2. Such a cute mani! I love how you paired the colors together! :)
    *hugs for you* <3

    ~ Yun

  3. Yea, I think acceptance is the best thing :) Being constantly concerned about weight is exhausting!!

    1. Yes, it really is. I stopped competitive swimming eight years ago and it's been a struggle every since but I think it's time to get over that.

  4. You have to rock your body the way it is. You'll always be the wrong size for somebody, so you need to love your body and be grateful for all the things it allows you to do. -These are all things I try to tell myself anyway. I love the color choices!

    1. You are very right, you can't please everyone! Thank you for the kind words, I just need to start telling myself these things.

  5. Gorgeous! This mani is just stunning! I love how you paired the glitter with the creams and the stripes! And don't worry about weight so much. As long as your healthy it doesn't matter! Rock you just the way you are I'm sure you are beautiful!!! :)

    1. Thank you Kristine, I need to start being kinder to myself and your words really helped me.

  6. Ditto what everyone else said, be healthy and love yourself! Besides, you have an awesome blue mani to cheer you up ;)

    1. Haha thanks Bridget, a blue polish does cheer me up :)

  7. We all have those moments. The key is to just take care of yourself when they happen. Don't beat yourself up. Don't make yourself feel worse than you already do. It'll eventually pass. Glad your mom and husband are a good support system for you. :)

    Jules of Canines & Couture
