
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Mint Manis for Talia Joy on Friday

Hi everyone,
Many of you have probably heard, but the beautiful and talented Talia Joy earned her angel wings yesterday July 16th. Talia was an extremely sweet thirteen year old girl battling two forms of cancer: neuroblastoma and preleukemia. But despite her challenges she chose to live life to the fullest and was always so sweet and kind.

The wonderful Nicole from Nail Polish Wars mentioned that the last photo Talia posted on her instagram was 4 days ago and it was of a mint green cream mani. (the polish was POP Nailglam Mint Magic.) She came up with the idea that a bunch of us should ban together and post our own mint manis this coming Friday for Talia. I think this is a great idea! 

The hashtag for the mint manis will be #mintmanisfortaliajoy

If you want to participate with everyone and link your blog up through inlinkz head over to her page HERE and she has the inlinkz code posted there. 

I hope we can get a bunch of people to participate.  Spread the word!

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